There are a number of public holidays in Finland, many of which are paid vacation days for most people. Some of these holidays are observed on a certain weekday near a calendar date, such as Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day(Thursday), and Midsummer’s Eve(Friday). Other observed Christian holidays are always observed on the weekend, so they don’t really have much effect on the daily life of most people. These holidays include Pentecost(Sunday), Midsummer’s Day(Saturday), Easter Sunday, and All Saints’ Day(Saturday).
The third group of holidays is the one where the holiday has a set date, and as such can coincide with a weekend, or not. These holidays include Independence day, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Epiphany, and May Day. If the date happens to be on a weekend, tough luck. The holiday does not “roll over” to a weekday, and it’s just lost. This fact makes people check their calendars very carefully especially near the Christmas holidays, as on a good year it’s possible to arrange a reasonably long vacation by spending only a couple of annual vacation days. The luck of the draw(or lack thereof) is also commonly discussed in media. Articles outlining how good or bad the current year is are often published near the holiday season.
However, I have been unable to find a perpetual calendar app or a site that would show what the future years have in store for us regarding public holidays. Therefore I made one(in Finnish):