Custom 3D-printed King of Tokyo monsters

What could be better than being a giant monster and beating other giant monsters into submission? Well, clearly, being a giant monster that isn’t represented by a cheap piece of printed cardboard with a small plastic base, but instead a good sized solid three-dimensional plastic figurine! Unfortunately, the Internet has been lacking in the department… Continue reading Custom 3D-printed King of Tokyo monsters

Elastic Beanstalk applications using two ports and Websockets

This blog post describes how to set up and deploy an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application written in Node.js that listens to both regular HTTP requests and Websocket connections. TL;DR: Download the sample application, and deploy it into an EB environment created using eb create alb-test-app-dev1 –elb-type application. By default, applications in Elastic Beanstalk only listen… Continue reading Elastic Beanstalk applications using two ports and Websockets

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Useful paths for debugging Elastic Beanstalk deployments

Sometimes it can be painful to try and get an Elastic Beanstalk application to deploy cleanly. In order to effectively debug the issues, it’s necessary to SSH into the instance. This requires that you’ve added a Key Pair in the EB environment configuration before launching the instance(s). The address to SSH to can be found… Continue reading Useful paths for debugging Elastic Beanstalk deployments

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