HSL departures heatmap

I created a a simple application using the HSL open data XML dump, the MapQuest Javascript API and the heatmap.js library. Here’s a screenshot: The heatmap shows the number of departures from each stop in the HSL public transport system. It essentially answers the question “How easy is it to get away from here?”. Or,… Continue reading HSL departures heatmap

Move over omatlahdot.fi, here comes lähdöt.fi!

The “Omat Lähdöt” service by HSL has been bugging me for a while now. The idea behind the service is great; Allow users of Helsinki area public transport to compile their own timetables, including any number of stops in the timetable. Unfortunately, the implementation is sub-par. I’ve listed some of the problems below. I’ve also… Continue reading Move over omatlahdot.fi, here comes lähdöt.fi!

Categorized as Transport