The question: How to make SOLR return more fields with the search results (using the apachesolr module), knowing that all the standard Drupal fields are added to the SOLR index? I found plenty of blog posts about how to do this in Drupal 6, but it’s changed a bit with the latest versions. Here it… Continue reading Adding fields to Drupal 7 Apache SOLR
The Epic Saga of Repairing a 1989 Volvo 240
The subject: A 1989 model Volvo 240 station wagon. The problem: It won’t run. Sometimes. Sometimes it runs just fine.
Installing Diaspora* on Debian 6.0 on a virtual server
I went ahead and tried installing my own server to run a pod for the distributed open source social network, Diaspora*. The installation went fine according to the instructions (Installing and running Diaspora) until the part where I say bundle install –without development test And Debian says: Fetching source index for Killed
PHP Chat server in 2.5Kb
I got fed up with not having a decent place to chat with random colleagues and such, who don’t always have access to the same servers and accounts as I do. A quick search on the web revealed no sensible service well suited to copy and pasting code, which is the number one reason I… Continue reading PHP Chat server in 2.5Kb
Arduino GLCD shield PCB
Some time ago I wrote on the Arduino forums asking for help (read: “Could someone do this for me?”) with a PCB design. Unsurprisingly, no-one offered their time and effort to design the PCB for me. So, in the end, I just had to learn to use Eagle myself. The project I was working on… Continue reading Arduino GLCD shield PCB
SVN ignore a single file
And another thing that I need to do so rarely that I have to look it up every single time: How do you SVN ignore a single file? The obvious thing to do would be: # cd config # svn propset svn:ignore settings.php .. but that just doesn’t work. The trick is to cd ..… Continue reading SVN ignore a single file
BBEdit / TextWrangler Open dialogue settings
Newer versions (since 9.6.1, it seems) of BBEdit and TextWrangler for Mac OS X have changed the way the Open File dialogue responds to pressing the Enter key. Pressing Enter on a highlighted directory used to open that directory in the dialogue window, but now it opens a new File Browser instead. Since I prefer… Continue reading BBEdit / TextWrangler Open dialogue settings
Rubik’s cube tutorial
I finally got around to writing down what little I know about solving the cube. The results can be found here:
Proposal for an English language spelling reform
Correctly spelling English is horribly difficult when compared to almost any other language. Due to the long history of the language with no real attempts to control the way the language has evolved, English spelling is riddled with exceptions, inconsistencies and arbitrary assignments of letter combinations to sounds. A more phonetic spelling would have many… Continue reading Proposal for an English language spelling reform
About averages
I’m just posting this here so that I know where to look the next time I need to check one of these terms: Finnish English What is it? Keskiluku Average “the top level concept” Keskiarvo Mean “total divived by number” Mediaani Median “the one in the middle” Moodi Mode “the most common value”